Workout of the Day 8:00 AMRAP8 Toes to Bar8 Handstand Push-Ups8 DB Power Cleans (50/35)-Rest 1:00-6:00 AMRAP6 Toes to Bar6 Handstand Push-Ups8 DB Power Cleans-Rest 1:00-4:00 AMRAP4 Toes to Bar4 Handstand Push-Ups 8 DB Power CleansRead more
Workout of the Day 5 rounds as many reps as possible 1:00 Burpee + Extra Push-Up1:00 Russian Twists1:00 Alt Sit-Thrus1:00 Walking Lunges1:00 Tuck-Ups Rest 1:00 between roundsRead more
Workout of the Day 21:00 as many rounds as possible 7 Power Snatches (115/75)14 Wall Balls (20/14)21 Cal Row Post WOD 3 sets 8-12 barbell rolloutsRead more