Workout of the Day For time 50 calorie row 50 ring pushups 50 DB weighted step ups (24″/20″) 2 X (#35/#25) 40/40/40, 30/30/30, 20/20/20, 10/10/10 40 min time capRead More
Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes Powerclean + hang squat clean Workout of the Day 3 rounds for time 30 calorie row 30 kettlebell swings 30 wall ball shots (#20/#14) Compare to 6/27/17Read More
Pre WOD 1 leg romanian deadlift 5 X 10 (5R/5L) Workout of the Day 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 18 DB snatches (#50/#35) 12 V-ups 8 box jumps (24″/20″)Read More
Workout of the Day 10:00 as many rounds as possible 10 situps 10 KB swings (24kg/16kg) 10 burpees 3:00 rest 7:00 as many rounds as possible 10 push press (#95/#65) 30 double unders 2:00 rest 4:00 as many reps as possible Squat cleans (#135/#95) 1:00 rest For time 3000 meter row Read More
Pre WOD Every 2 minutes on the minute for 14 minutes 5 front squats Workout of the Day 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 10 KB front rack lunges (24kg/16kg) 10 pullups 100 meter overhead KB carryRead More
Pre WOD KB banded strict press 5 X 7 Workout of the Day “Death by DB squat clean” 20 minutes as many reps as possible 1st min: 1 DB squat clean (#50/#35) 2nd min: 2 DB squat cleans 3/3, 4/4, etc….. * once you can no longer complete the required number of reps, return to...Read More
Workout of the Day Complete with a partner for time 1000 meter row, partner holds med ball plank (switch every 250 meters) 50 med ball pushups 50 med ball shots over bar 50 med ball situps over box 400 meter med ball run 50 MB situps over box 50 MB shots over bar 50 MB...Read More