Pre WOD Split squat 5 X 10 (5R/5L) Workout of the Day 3 rounds 4:00 300/250 meter row Shuttle sprint 10-20-30 meters AMRAP pushups 2:00 rest *score total pushupsRead More
Workout of the Day Complete with a partner P1: 400 meter run P2: AMRAP deadlifts (#185/#135) 10 synchro burpees 1:00 rest P1: 400 meter run P2: AMRAP squat cleans (#155/#105) 10 synchro burpees 1:00 rest P1: 400 meter run P2: AMRAP power clean and jerk (#135/#95) 10 synchro burpees 1:00 rest P1: 400 meter run...Read More
Pre WOD Back squat 5 X 3 Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time 200 run, then… 3 rounds of 3 strict pullups 4 hand release pushups 5 goblet squat 32/24Read More
Workout of the Day 400 meter overhead sandbag carry 105/70 for time *every time bag is dropped, perform 10 SB front squats, then run 400 meters back to bag before picking it back up for next OH carryRead More
Pre WOD Close grip bench press 5 X 7 Workout of the Day 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 2 rope climbs -1 legless 12 KB swings 32/24 24 abmat situpsRead More
Workout of the Day Complete with a partner 10 minutes as many rounds as possible P1: 2 wall ball shots (#20/#14) Both: 2 synchro burpees P2: 2 WB shots 4/4/4, 6/6/6, 8/8/8 etc…. 3:00 rest 10:00 AMRAP P1: 2 shuttle sprints Both: 1 Curtis P p2: 2 shuttle sprints 4/2/4, 6/3/6, 8/4/8 etc…… Post WOD...Read More
Pre WOD For quality, not time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict press Strict pullups Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time 5 deadlifts (#225/#155) 50 double undersRead More
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time 20 1 arm DB rows (10R/10L) :30 L-sit Workout of the Day “Nancy” 5 rounds for time 400 meter run 15 overhead squats (#95/#65) Read More