
March 2014
Pre WOD 4 rounds, not for time 300 meter row 2:00 front plank 1:00 rest Workout of the Day Thursday 10 minutes as many rounds as possible 5 dumbell squat cleans (#50/#30)(per hand) 5 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg)
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Workout of the Day Wednesday In 15 minutes, complete 21-15-9 Pullups Power clean (#115/#75) Lateral barbell jumps (L+R=1) Then, with any remaining time, complete as many front squats as possible with same bar/load used for cleans Score is total front squats
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Pre WOD Partition as necessary Workout of the Day Tuesday Tabata Dumbbell snatch (#50/#30) Row for calories Box jumps (30″/24″) Situps Score is total of low interval of each movement
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Workout of the Day Monday 3 rounds for time 30 deadlifts (#135/#85) 30 burpees 30 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′)
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Pre WOD Roxanne burpees Workout of the Day Saturday With a partner, complete the following for time 75 goblet squats (24kg/16kg) 75 russian twists with med ball 75 pushups 75 kettlebell swings 75 med ball cleans One teammate completes reps while other jumps rope, altenate as necessary
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