Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes 3 muscle snatch Workout of the Day 2 rounds 3:00 max meters farmers carry (#32kg/24kg) 2:00 AMRAP jumping lunges 1:00 AMRAP muscle ups 3:00 rest Read more
Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time 25/18 calorie row 50 double unders 3 rounds of “The Chief” (3 power cleans 135/95 / 6 pushups / 9 squats)Read more
Workout of the Day 3 rounds with a partner for time 40 partner wall ball shots 30 calorie bike / partner deadlift hold (alternate every 15 cal) 40 alternating box jumps 30 calories row / front plank hold ((alternate every 15 cal))Read more
Pre WOD Bench press 5 X 5 Workout of the Day For time 20 power snatchs (#95/#65) 20 lateral over the bar burpees 20 overhead squats 20 lateral over the bar burpees 20 squat snatchesRead more