Pre WOD Every 2:00 on the minute for 8:00 4 front squats Every 2:00 on the minute for 8:00 4 back squats Workout of the Day 5 rounds 3:00 20/15 calorie row AMRAP clean and jerk (#185/#125) 1:00 restRead more
Workout of the Day 3 rounds 20/15 calorie Assault bike 40 double unders 20 deadlifts (#225/#155) 40 double unders 20 toes to bar 2:00 rest between rounds, record time of slowest round Read more
Workout of the Day Every 4 minutes on the minute for 20:00 20 DB snatches (#50/#35)(Rx+ #70/#50) 40 double unders 2 legless rope climbs Post WOD 40 strict knees to elbows (Rx+ knees to opposite elbow)Read more