Workout of the Day With a partner for time 100 partner wall ball shots 50 alternating strict pullups 25 synchro over the bar burpees 50 partner deadlifts 100 partner wall ball shots *every break of any movement complete 50 foot partner whellbarrowRead more
Workout of the Day For time 21-15-12-9-9-12-15-21 Sandbag snatch (60/45)|(45/30) Cal Bike Post WOD On a 12:00 Running clock… Practice Handstands or Handstand WalkRead more
Pre WOD In 20:00, build to your heaviest 1 rep front squat Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 9 minutes 1:00 – Max Front Squats (155/105)|(115/75) 2:00 – Max Barbell Front Rack Hold 3:00- Max Knee 2 ElbowRead more